Congressman John R. Lewis
National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE) somberly acknowledges the death of Representative John R. Lewis, 33-year Congressional representative of metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, elder statesman of the Congressional Black Caucus, 2013 President Medal of Freedom Recipient, and keynote speaker of our 50th anniversary.
Representative Lewis will be remembered as an icon of the American Civil Rights Movement and for his dedication to protecting human rights, safeguarding civil liberties, and fostering what he called the Beloved Community in America.
In relentlessly fulfilling his career as a public servant, Representative Lewis lived a life that affirmed his renowned statement, “When we see something that’s not right, or not just , we have a moral obligation to speak up and speak out to do something about it.” As stated in a recent Facebook post by the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Congressman Lewis planted seeds and nurtured a movement.
“A man’s usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals insofar as he can.”
Theodore Roosevelt
NAHSE membership extends our collective prayers for the comfort and strength of Representative Lewis’ family, friends, constituents, and supporters.